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The final stretch of 2021

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

With the Christmas deadline looming we challenge you to find a way to take a break, reflect on the year that has been and get excited for 2022!

At Velocite, some of the ways we are combatting the end-of-year rush is remembering the great things that have happened in 2021, try the same with your team.

In a recent team meeting, we went around the room and shared our highlights from the year. They included some great client projects, welcoming new clients into the Velocite family, new team members, new family members (both furry and baby variety), and weddings that went ahead (even with COVID-19 looming!).

As part of your reflection before the New Year or over the break, we wanted to share with you all a Ted Talk that resonated with our team from organisational psychologist Adam Grant, on languishing.

Have you found yourself staying up late, joylessly bingeing TV shows and doomscrolling through the news, or simply navigating your day uninspired and aimless? Chances are you're languishing.

Languishing has become very common after years of navigating the pandemic. This Ted Talk breaks down the key indicators of languishing and presents three ways to escape that "meh" feeling and start finding your flow.

Have a watch and think about how you can implement some good behaviors coming into 2022 – Mastery, mindfulness and mattering!

Watch the video here.

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