It is that time of year again. TechWeek 2021 is about to be released New Zealand wide showcasing how digital tools, technologies and processes are helping individuals, businesses, and organisations to make positive change. We couldn’t miss this opportunity to share our passion for technology and are holding a free workshop on Wednesday 26th of May at the Do Box, New Plymouth.

Titled, Digitisation and Performance: An Interactive Workshop, this free event is participation centric and outcome-based, focusing on lean processes and digitisation. The workshop will provide a brief overview of process systemisation, followed by an interactive session where you will be empowered to create your own process map, identify pain points and improvement opportunities through digitisation – leaving the session with your own plan of action.
The Benefits of Process Improvement and Digitisation
Why are we focusing on process improvement and digitisation? Because the benefits of process improvement and digitisation are huge, including:
· Improved efficiencies.
· Improve productivity.
· Reduced workloads so you can get some of your valuable time back.
· Reduction of double handling, and re-working.
· Reduced defects of outputs, for both product and services-based business.
· Increased business agility.
· Embedding an organisational culture of continual improvement.
· Enhanced data collection and real-time insights to make sound business decisions.
· Ability to allocate additional time to value-based activities within the business.
The Process of Systemisation and Digitisation
So how does the process of systemisation and digitisation work? We follow a proven method that involves several steps:
1. Visually represent the current state of the business using process maps (called a current state map).
2. Identify actual and potential pain points within the process (e.g., double handling, re-works, product defects, etc.).
3. Use root cause analysis for the identified pain points to delve deeper into the cause of the pain points.
4. Identify improvement opportunities that address each of the pain points identified.
5. Create a desired state map which highlights the new processes that embed lean principles and digitisation to realise the outcomes that you want.
Why Process Maps?
Why do we start the systemisation with process maps? Process mapping is simply breaking down and identifying specific steps in the current way that you structure and implement business processes. Through this, we can visually see the process and start interpreting, analysing, and improving the process to address the change desired.
We typically look at end-to-end business processes, from how a customer contacts the business right to a satisfied customer. To look at this all at once can become overwhelming. So, we break down the full business process into sections or segments. For example, lead generation, quoting, sales, resource planning, job management, production process and invoicing, to mention a few. These sections can be worked on individually and then brought together to create a full end-to-end process systemisation and digitisation project. When thinking of a process to analyse, think of something in your business that occurs repeatedly or perhaps brings frustrations or inefficiencies. It is important to not jump to potential solutions at this point. Naturally, we want (once the process map has been created) to solve the problem immediately. However, without getting to the root cause of these pain points, often the solution we envision is not fit for purpose or piecemeal in its approach inadvertently creating more frustrations.
Want to Know More?
To find out more about process systemisation and digitisation, register for the free event now by clicking on the link below and securing your tickets. If you can’t make the event, but want to catch up for a coffee and discuss how we can help you become a lean and digitally enabled organisation, contact Portia Smith at or Steve Wilson at
We look forward to meeting you.
One of the brightest spots in Geometry Dash is the ability to create and share custom levels, allowing the community to be creative.