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Processing the Easter Public Holiday Payroll


Current at 14 April 2020

For last week’s payroll (week 3) you will need to process the public holiday of Easter Friday. There has been different views and advice released around how to process the public holidays. The following guidance is our interpretation of how to prepare wages based upon the information available to date and is current as at Tuesday 14th April 2020. Our advice is for guidance purposes only, please seek advice from an Employment Lawyer if you need further clarification.


For the majority of businesses, the changes you have made to your employee agreements are only temporary changes during the alert level 4 shutdown. Therefore, where your employee’s standard hours haven’t had an agreed permanent change you should pay them for their public holiday based on their pre COVID-19 agreed hours.

CLICK HERE to see 5 main examples for processing the public holiday (assuming you have received the wage subsidy).


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